Apply now for Executive Director position at Red Wing Area Seniors. Click here for job description and application instructions.
Dana Bergner with Three Rivers Community Action is an advocate for older adults and their caregivers in Goodhue County. She can assist those 60 years of age and older and their families with information, resources and referrals. Have a question? Call Dana at 507-421-6067 or email at
Shirley can notarize your important papers including wills and health care directives. Donations for this complimentary service are gratefully accepted for members. There is a $25 fee for non members. Talk to Shirley to schedule an appointment.
We now have a secured container on-site for seniors to drop their documents that need shredding. The secure container is located in the back hallway next to the library. The container is shredded on-site monthly by Shred-Right. Stop in to the office for assistance. There is no charge for members and a small fee for non members.
The Minnesota Attorney General’s Office has a publication dealing with your legal rights including consumer protection, charitable giving, investments, health care and planning ahead. Copies are available at the Senior Center.
Safe and affordable rides
harT- Miles and Miles of Positive Impact
You can check out a bike at no cost if you are a member of Pier 55 Red Wing Area Seniors. We have 3, 2 wheel bikes and 2, 3 wheel bikes. We have locks and helmets available. Non members can rent bikes by the hour.
Purchase the Cannon Valley Traill passes with us. We are selling seasonal ($25) and day passes ($4). Stop at the desk to purchase.
“Nothing compares to the simple pleasure of a bike ride.”
-- John F. Kennedy
Charlene Guggisberg
SSU Training Coordinator
If you or a senior you know needs assistance with small repairs in the home, call Red Wing Area Seniors. Our volunteers may be able to assist at no labor charge. Talk with Program Coordinator Stef Braun, 651-327-2255. Call now to set up appointments for spring repairs.
A One Stop Shop for Minnesota Seniors
Kim Wojcik, Executive Director of Red Wing Area Seniors, is available to visit and speak to the members of your organization, club or business. She can respond to all questions about RWAS and promote the great work that RWAS contributes to Red Wing and surrounding communities, services it offers, and how you can fit into the mission of RWAS. Call or email 651-327-2255,