Pier 55 Red Wing Area Seniors
240 Harrison St, Ste 2 | Red Wing, MN 55066 | 651.327.2255

Trips and Tours

Red Wing area seniors are going places! Join us for a trip to a theater, restaurant or casino. Explore a completely new destination. Learn, make memories and have. Remember that friends and family of any age can come with us.

Watch the Deadlines. Tickets are limited. Register early so you won't be disappointed.

Red Wing Area Seniors
Red Wing Area Seniors
Red Wing Area Seniors

*Trip refund policy*
A 20% administration fee will be charged to anyone who cancels a day trip within 5 business days of the trip departure date.

The RWAS tour director will seat disabled persons in the front seats for local trips.

The tour director’s seat is always behind the bus driver so s/he can use the PA system and leave the bus first to initiate a tour.

Parking and Not parking at Pier 55

If Pier 55 sponsors an overnight event, participants should not leave their vehicles at Pier 55. Have someone bring you -- or your vehicle may be towed. This is especially important during the winter with snowplowing needs, etc.

If you are attending an event at Pier 55, please park on our assigned side and not on the Pottery Museum section. Park in front of Pier 55 if possible. Stop in at the front desk if you need clarification.