Pier 55 Red Wing Area Seniors
240 Harrison St, Ste 2 | Red Wing, MN 55066 | 651.327.2255

Apply now for Executive Director position at Red Wing Area Seniors. Click here for job description and application instructions.

Support Groups

Alzheimer’s and Dementia
Caregiver Support Group

2nd Monday of Every Month, 3:30 to 5:00pm
The Bluffs of Lake City
480 West Grant Street, Lake City
Private Dining Room. Refreshments will be served.

For more info or to RSVP contact group facilitator, Vicky Heitman at 651-448-8333 or vheitman@oxfordmgmt.com

Red Wing Area Seniors

Faith in Action
Caregiver Support group

Red Wing Area Seniors

1st Tuesday of the month from 1:30 to 3:00pm
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church
320 West Avenue
Use the lower side door entrance.

Unless otherwise specified:

All classes, activities and events are held at Pier 55.

Registration is always at the Pier 55 front desk, in person or by phone:

240 Harrison St., Red Wing, MN, 651-327-2255.

Contact the front desk for additional information — reception.pier55@gmail.com